Parent Resources
- Resources
- Able Brochure
- Accelerated Placement
- Assistive Technology
- Asthma Action Plan
- Asthma Letter
- Athletic Handbook
- Attendance and Truancy
- Bell Schedule
- Bus Riding Rules
- Covid Reopening Plan
- Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
- Dyslexia Guide
- Early Dismissal
- Edgar Couty Resource Guide
- Education of Children with Disabilities - IEP and Section 504
- Ethics and Gift Ban
- Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
- Faith's Law Resource Guide
- Flu Information
- Grading Scale
- Harassment of Students Prohibited
- Homeless
- Immunization Data
- Lead Testing
- Meningococcal Disease
- MTSS Parent Brochure
- Offender Community Notification Laws
- Parent Communication Flow Chart
- Parent and Staff Expectations
- Parent Rights Regarding Student Covered Information
- Pesticide Registery
- Procedural Safegaurds for Students with Disabilities
- Quarter Breaks
- Remote Learning Plan
- Reopening Plan
- School Health Requirements
- School to Work Transition Guide
- School Wellness Board Policy
- School Wellness Monthly Theme
- School Wellness Policy
- School Wellness Report
- Snow and Mud Routes
- Strep Throat Fact Sheet
- Student Attendance and Truancy
- Student Attendance
- Suicide and Depression Prevention Policy
- Suicide and Mental Health Helplines
- Think Pad Policy
- Think Pad Insurance
- Title I Stevens Amendment
- Title IX Reporting
- Title IX Informaation
- Title IX Administrative Procedures
- Uniform Grievance and Title IX Sexual Harassment
- Additional Resources